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Fraud and money laundering

Weening criminal lawyers has specialized lawyers in terms of Fraud and money laundering. For urgent cases, our lawyers are available 24 hours a day nationwide.

Table of contents

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Fraud criminal lawyer - Weening Criminal Lawyers

Wat is witwassen?

Witwassen is het maskeren van illegale geldsommen door transacties uit te voeren. Het doel is om illegaal verkregen vermogen te kunnen besteden of investeren zonder bewijs van illegaal verkrijgen. Voorbeelden zijn het openen van bedrijven waarbij de omzet kunstmatig hoog wordt gehouden en verhullingsfase waarbij overboekingen naar verschillende bankrekeningen worden gedaan. Het OM heeft prioriteit gegeven aan de opsporing en vervolging van witwassen en maakt onderscheid tussen eenvoudige witwassers, misdrijfplegers en facilitators. De strafbaarstelling van witwassen is geregeld in het Wetboek van Strafrecht, waarbij een gevangenisstraf van maximaal 6 jaar of een geldboete van €74.000,- kan worden opgelegd.

Fraude advocaat Rotterdam gezocht?

Indien u of iemand die u kent verdacht wordt van witwassen, is het van groot belang om zo snel mogelijk een ervaren strafrecht advocaat in te schakelen. Wanneer u tijdens een strafzaak bijgestaan wordt door de professionals van Weening Strafrechtadvocaten, kunt u ervan op aan dat uw zaak in goede handen is. Onze advocaten zijn gespecialiseerd in het bijstaan van verdachten tijdens verhoren, het verlenen van bijstand bij doorzoekingen en het onderhouden van contacten met de FIOD en de officier van justitie. Daarnaast hebben onze strafrecht advocaten veel ervaring in het vinden van mogelijkheden om de strafrechtelijke vervolging te beëindigen door middel van een transactie.

Onze kennis en ervaring stellen ons in staat om in te spelen op de complexe procedures die gepaard gaan met strafrechtzaken. Onze advocaten vinden het van groot belang om uw verhaal volledig te begrijpen, en om daarbij effectief samen te werken met de overheid om uw belangen te behartigen.

Het is bovendien belangrijk om te beseffen dat er steeds meer zaken voorkomen waarin sprake is van witwassen. Regelmatig wordt er verdenking geuit van witwassen van gelden via internet en in de vastgoedsector. Het fenomeen wordt daarnaast steeds vaker gezien bij hypotheekfraude, belastingfraude, zorgfraude en fraude in de financiële sector. Met de juiste advocaat in de arm kunt u deze situaties professioneel benaderen en een goede uitkomst voor uw zaak bewerkstelligen.

Aarzel niet om contact op te nemen met Weening Strafrechtadvocaten wanneer u meer informatie wilt over onze dienstverlening. Onze strafrecht advocaten zijn 24/7 bereikbaar en kunnen u bijstaan in Rotterdam en omgeving.

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debt laundering intentional money laundering habitual money laundering
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3. criminal case fraud lawyer
Fraud lawyer den haag
Are you suspected of bank fraud punishment? Get assistance from a fraud lawyer. Weening Criminal Lawyers specializes in criminal law and bank fraud.

What is fraud?

Although the term "fraud" is often used, it is remarkably absent from the Criminal Code. 'Fraud' should therefore be seen as a generic term to describe a group of offenses. Usually these are financial crimes; offenses in which a person or a company suffers financial loss.

What are the most common types of fraud

Is theft also

The words theft and fraud are still sometimes used interchangeably. This is not entirely accurate. The main difference between theft and fraud is that theft involves taking something that did not belong to the thief, whereas fraud involves misrepresenting things. The fraudster often deceives his or her victims by using incorrect data or false information.

When does fraud occur?

Fraud occurs when someone intentionally misrepresents facts with the intent therefor economic or financial gain from it. This representation must violate the law or regulations. It is often necessary for someone to intentionally commit fraud. However, it is not always necessary for someone to do it intentionally. Deliberately choosing to do so on the off chance that someone might be harmed can also be called fraud.

Who can commit fraud?

Of course, anyone can commit fraud. But sometimes people other than those making the misrepresentation themselves can be prosecuted for fraud based on their capacity. Consider the business owner or owner within whose company fraud is committed, but executives within an organization can also be criminally prosecuted under circumstances.

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What punishment can you face for fraud?

What punishment a fraudster can face depends on the exact fraudulent act. The extent of the damage plays an important role. It can range from a fine to imprisonment, but community service is also among the penalties that can be imposed. For example, the maximum prison sentence for tax fraud is six years. It is also conceivable for the court to impose a measure, such as the obligation to compensate victims, deprivation of illegally obtained benefit or a professional ban.

Fraud also appears on the criminal record. This makes obtaining a VOG (certificate of good conduct) and thus getting a (new) job more difficult.

Why is it wise to hire an attorney if you are suspected of fraud?

Fraud suspects are often not caught "in the act" as in a street brawl. In many cases, therefore, the suspect receives a letter from the police or FIOD at home. This letter then contains "an invitation to come for an interview. You are well advised to consult a lawyer from the first letter and before the interview. Your statement to the police is irreversible and therefore careful preparation is very important. A specialized lawyer can advise you and, if you wish, assist you during the interrogation.

What are the benefits of a fraud lawyer?

If you are suspected of fraud, you would do well to hire a specialized fraud attorney. Fraud investigations are often technical in nature and one should always keep in mind that the tax authorities like to watch. It is therefore important to be assisted by a lawyer who will include all facets of your case in his advice. Weening Criminal Lawyers consists of a team of specialists, also with experience in the field of fiscal criminal law. Your fraud case is therefore in good hands with us.

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