Court rules that two former DGD employees are guilty of systematically falsifying vaccination certificates in 2021 and 2022. Yet the women do not have to go back to prison. They receive unconditional prison sentences equal to the time they served on remand. However, if they re-offend, they do receive prison sentences of 78 and 82 days, respectively.
The two employees run into trouble in 2022 when an attentive coordinator at the GGD location in Terneuzen notices that a large number of registrations are being entered into the system one after the other. In ten minutes, some people are suddenly three vaccinations richer. This is all done through the account of an employee who is not at work at the time.
Chiropractor snitched on patients and secretly took photos: 'Button flipped on beautiful women' (
He himself says he doesn't get it either. But a chiropractor from Rhoon (64) did indeed commit an assault on two people.