Criminal lawyer
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criminal lawyer
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If so, contact a criminal lawyer directly 24 hours a day.
Weening Criminal Lawyers is a law firm you can turn to for both legal advice and the best representation in court.
Emergency case? 24-hour criminal lawyer!
Due to the size of our office, it is possible to be contacted by a criminal lawyer 24 hours a day in case of emergency. Urgent cases include a search or seizure of your company by the police or the FIOD or an arrest by an investigative agency.
For the police we are always inconvenient, for you we come right on time.
Arrested/detained by police?
If you are still at large, you can contact a criminal lawyer yourself as a suspect. After you have been arrested by the police, you have the right to consult a lawyer immediately, but often it is no longer possible to contact a criminal lawyer if you have been arrested by the police. In that case, you can still indicate to the police which criminal lawyer you would like to be assisted by. The police will then call them for you. However, if you do not criminal lawyer name ready has, you will be assigned a picket lawyer. The lawyer you are then assigned is often less expert in the field of criminal law. By the way, you are free to change lawyers at any time.
In many cases, an arrest comes unexpectedly and a suspect has not prepared for it. In the cell, he is also unable to seek an attorney.
You can as family member of someone arrested by the police, of course, always contact one of our criminal lawyers. This is often appreciated by the suspect. We then act as a preferred attorney and immediately visit your loved one at the police station. In principle, there are no costs involved. An additional advantage is that we can keep you informed of the situation regarding your family member. Unlike many other lawyers, we take it for granted to inform you about this.
Because we also act as criminal lawyers nationwide, one phone call is all it takes to get the defense started.
Choosing a criminal lawyer yourself has its advantages
One usually knows who one is dealing with and one knows that one is in safe hands is. This is especially comforting in criminal cases. It is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable criminal lawyer before you are questioned by the police. Whether you are guilty or innocent is irrelevant. A criminal lawyer can prepare you for your interview with the police and explain what you need to consider. Of course, a good criminal lawyer will also point out your rights, including the right to remain silent.
After your arrest, you have a lot on your mind and you should not have to worry about your legal representation. You need to feel that you are safe, that your interests are represented by a criminal lawyer who gives you the right advice and in whom you have confidence. A good defense requires you to team up with your lawyer. This requires you to be on the same page.
Right to silence
Many people want to tell the police all sorts of things. They want to answer the questions the police ask. Often because they think they have nothing to hide anyway. But also because they think it is rude not to answer.
To these people, we tell them to realize that they are in the role of suspect. The police have a suspicion, rightly or wrongly. As a suspect, you have the right to remain silent. That right is explicit in the law.
Anything you say to the police can be used against you. Also what you say outside the interrogation. And what you have said can hardly be reversed. For that reason, we advise you in advance in all cases exercise your right to remain silent until you decide, in consultation with your criminal lawyer, whether or not to change course.
Invitation to report to police station
Lawyer at police interrogation
Invitation to police interrogation
The importance of proper legal aid already arises at the early stages of a criminal trial, namely at the police interrogation. It is here that a suspect is in a vulnerable situation. As a suspect, you are often not fully aware of the suspicion. You do not yet have access to any evidence the police may have against you. There is no immediate overview of the situation you have found yourself in. This makes you unable to assess the consequences of a statement.
Therefore, always remain silent until you have consulted a lawyer.
A lawyer can then advise you. Among other things, he will advise you on the posture to adopt during the interrogation. Will you remain silent or will you testify? And if you are going to testify, what are you going to testify about? You are with the police because they think you have done something. Even if you are innocent, by wrong answers, for example because you are mistaken, you can get even more appearances. In short, anything you say can be used against you and you cannot always judge for yourself what is the wisest thing to do. The first interrogation is of great importance, as the interrogation can determine the outcome of the criminal proceedings. And thus also the outcome of the criminal case.
So always consult a criminal law attorney before the first police interrogation.
Lawyer at police interrogation
During police interrogation, you may be assisted by a lawyer. During the interrogation, the lawyer monitors whether your interrogation is fair. He can watch over the way you are treated as a suspect. Therefore, a lawyer can and may participate in the police interrogation. For example, he may intervene when the police apply undue pressure. He may also make comments and ask questions when he considers it to be in your best interest. In addition, he may give you advice on, for example, giving permission, or on whether or not to answer a question. He may also ask for a "time out" from the interrogation to consult with you. Finally, at the end of the interrogation, he may review the record of your statement critically to check that everything has been written down correctly.
Without a lawyer, you will be sitting alone facing mostly experienced police officers who are trained to make you testify. Having a lawyer present during your interrogation makes you feel safer. You will be assisted by a knowledgeable professional who will stand up for your interests. A personal process guardian. Assistance from an attorney during the interrogation is therefore important in all cases.
If you have been arrested as a suspect, you are entitled to a free lawyer who may be present during your police interrogation. If you are not arrested, you must pay the costs of the lawyer during the interrogation yourself. Feel free to contact on with one of our criminal defense lawyers for the possibilities via 088-9336464. Our lawyers are familiar with the ins and outs of a police interrogation. They will be happy to assist you during your police interrogation.
After the police have arrested and interrogated you, they may decide to detain you longer. In principle, this can be done for 3 days. This is called detention. During this period the police can continue to question you and conduct other investigations. It is very important that during this period you are assisted by a criminal lawyer who will advise you on your rights and assist you in determining your procedural position.
If the police want to detain you any longer, you must be brought before a magistrate within 3 days and 15 hours. He will then decide whether you were rightly arrested and whether you should be detained longer.
If the suspicion is serious enough, the magistrate judge may take you into custody. This begins the pretrial detention process. You will then be deprived of your freedom for a period of up to 14 days. During the hearing before the magistrate, it is very important that you are assisted by a criminal lawyer. Depending on the case, a criminal lawyer can, with the right defenses and requests, prevent you from being deprived of your freedom for a longer period of time. We are happy to assist you during these proceedings.
If the magistrate judge has placed you in custody, you will usually appear before the court's three-judge panel within 14 days. These three judges may order that your pretrial detention be extended for a period of 90 days. We are happy to assist you with our expertise during these proceedings as well. Should the chambers decide that you must remain deprived of your liberty for a longer period, you can appeal against this decision. We will be happy to advise you about the possibilities in that case. Within these 90 days you will receive a summons to appear before the criminal court.
Please contact a criminal lawyer for a detailed explanation of the pretrial detention procedure. We always have a criminal lawyer nearby.
Whether you have been sent home after questioning, or you have been in pretrial detention, at some point you need to hear from the justice system.
If you are suspected of a criminal offense, the prosecutor may issue you a transaction proposal do, a criminal issue or give you a subpoena send to appear in court. Most cases are heard by the police judge. More serious cases at the multiple criminal chamber. We advise you to contact one of our criminal lawyers immediately in all cases in which you hear something from the police or judicial authorities. They can advise you on your options without obligation. Because the law sets deadlines within which you must respond, it is advisable to contact us promptly.
Proper preparation of great importance
You are a suspect? If you must appear in court, it is advisable to be well prepared. You need to know what to expect and you need to know what to do. Our lawyers will be happy to advise you on this. After a good preparation, you will appear at the hearing much more confident.
Good preparation includes thinking about exculpatory evidence. You can think about further investigation, but also, for example, the possibility of calling witnesses. In order to best effect your rights, it is advisable to begin preparation in a timely manner. There are deadlines to meet, so acting quickly is imperative.
We are here as criminal lawyers to assist you. Whatever someone is suspected of, we defend the person. Mindful of the words of the great criminal lawyer Mr. Max Moszkowicz Sr, we do not defend the deed, but the person.
We believe that everyone is entitled to a proper defense. We consider it our duty to assist the individual in the fight against big government. We are also truly on your side. Whether you are guilty or innocent. And what you tell us, we keep absolutely confidential.
Types of Criminal Cases
- From simple theft to armed robbery
- From hemp cultivation to international drug trafficking
- From environmental crime to insider trading
- From fake tax return to international VAT carousel
- From forgery to fraudulent bank breach
- From simple assault to aggravated assault
- From threat to human trafficking
- From culpable homicide to murder
- From fornication to rape
Court proceedings
We have experience and expertise in all areas of criminal law.
Even if you have to appear as a witness, you have rights (right to privilege). If necessary, we will gladly assist you. We do not accompany crown witnesses, threatened witnesses or police informants.
Court proceedings
Proceedings at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands
Proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights.
In addition to the above procedures, we are happy to assist you with penitentiary matters, military criminal law, medical criminal law and pardon procedures. Even if you have to appear as a witness, you have rights (right to privilege). If necessary, we will gladly assist you. We do not accompany crown witnesses, threatened witnesses or police informants.
The fees for our work depend on the nature and scope of the case, but of course also on your financial situation. We believe that everyone is entitled to good legal assistance, even if you are unable to pay for your lawyer yourself. In that case, our office offers you the possibility to be assisted by a specialized criminal lawyer. This is also known as a pro bono lawyer, or as it used to be called: a lawyer of incapacity, to whom one could turn with a certificate of incapacity or proof of incapacity. We will be happy to inform you about our hourly rates and possible (fixed) price agreements.
If the police want to interview you, you may receive an invitation to report to the police station. Before reporting, contact a criminal lawyer.
With a criminal lawyer, you can discuss whether you should come forward and the possible consequences if you don't. An attorney can also advise you of your rights during police questioning. For example, if you are not arrested, you can leave whenever you want.
Our criminal lawyers will be happy to advise you on your rights.
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