Appeal RSJ criminal lawyer

Are you looking for a criminal lawyer with expertise in criminal law?

Criminal Law Expertise

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Am victim of criminal offense, lawyer wanted?

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Seen as a suspect? You are a victim of a criminal offense?

criminal law expertise

At Weening Criminal Lawyers, we pride ourselves on our team of highly specialized criminal lawyers who are well-equipped to handle every aspect of criminal law. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we are dedicated to helping both individuals and businesses protect their rights and interests.

Our team of criminal lawyers strives to provide the highest quality of service to our clients. We understand that being charged with a criminal offense can be very stressful and overwhelming and for this reason, we work hard to ensure that our clients are informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Whether you have been charged with a drug crime, assault, theft or another criminal offense, we have the expertise to help you. Our attorneys have successfully defended clients in all types of criminal cases and can provide the effective representation you need to protect your rights and interests.


Criminal organization attorney

A criminal organization is a group of people who commit crimes together.

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Theft attorney

Having something stolen or broken into without threat or violence may be a petty crime.

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Drugs attorney

Drug possession is prohibited for both soft and hard drugs. Trading, manufacturing and smuggling are also prohibited.

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Economic criminal law attorney

This refers to the offenses listed in the Economic Offenses Act (WED).

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Criminal tax law attorney

For serious irregularities such as fraud, fiscal criminal law may apply.

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Fraud and money laundering attorney

Money laundering is hiding the illegal origin of money from various types of fraud.

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Violence attorney

Public violence is group violence against persons or property.

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Human Trafficking attorney

Exploitation of people for personal gain through coercion, fraud, deception, violence or abuse of power.

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Murder & Manslaughter attorney

Murder is the intentional deprivation of someone's life with premeditation. Otherwise, it is manslaughter.

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Corporate Criminal Law attorney

Criminal cases for corporations and their employees, environmental criminal cases, tax and fraud and corruption cases.

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Terrorism attorney

Terrorist crimes are crimes committed with a terrorist intent.

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Expression crimes attorney

Offenses such as verbal insults, incitement to hatred and discrimination, incitement to violence, etc.

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Traffic Criminal Law attorney

Serious traffic and speed violations can have criminal consequences.

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Weapons & ammunition attorney

Prohibits possession of certain weapons, including carrying, manufacturing and transferring them.

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Vice attorney

Sexual abuse, child abuse and preparatory acts, are forms of crimes.

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Criminal proceedings

Seizure cases attorney

If your item has been seized, your attorney can file a complaint with the court on your behalf.

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Objection DNA collection attorney

Objection to collection not possible, but objection to inclusion of DNA profile in DNA criminal database.

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Supreme Court Cassation attorney

If you disagree with a court's decision, you can file a statement to appeal.

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Grace attorney

Remission of a sentence by the court. It can be granted after the judge's sentence becomes final.

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Review at the Supreme Court attorney

Review can overturn a criminal conviction. You can petition the Supreme Court.

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Appeal to the Court of Appeals attorney

If you disagree with the judge's decision in your criminal case, you can appeal to the trial court.

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International criminal law attorney

Public international law and national criminal law for cross-border investigation, prosecution, trial and sanctions.

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Juvenile Criminal Justice attorney

Adolescents or children who commit crimes are covered by juvenile criminal law. Or adolescent criminal law (up to age 23).

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Cantonal court attorney

When people and businesses come into conflict with each other, they can take their dispute to the district judge.

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Medical criminal law attorney

Medical criminal law deals with criminal cases involving a medical aspect, usually involving a healthcare worker.

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Military criminal law attorney

A Dutch soldier who misbehaves anywhere in the world stands trial before the military chamber of the Gelderland District Court.

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Multiple criminal chamber attorney

Criminal offenses with adults handled by judges called cantonal judge, police judge and the multiple criminal division.

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Deprivation of benefit attorney

If you made money from a crime, the judge can order you to pay that amount back to the government.

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Penitentiary law attorney

For example, right to visit, medical care and leave. In addition, each prison also has its own house rules.

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Police Judge attorney

The police judge handles simpler and minor criminal cases with up to 12 months in prison.

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Police interview attorney

If you are questioned by the police, you have the right to have an attorney present and to remain silent (right to remain silent).

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Closure of drug premises art. 13b Opium Act attorney

Gives the mayor the option to combat drug-related activities by closing properties.

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TBS cases attorney

Tbs with compulsory treatment is the most severe punishment, aimed at the safe return of offenders after a serious crime, in cases of mental illness and risk of recurrence.

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Resisting criminal charges attorney

The prosecutor can summon you or impose a criminal charge if you are suspected of a criminal offense.

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OM hearing attorney

At OM hearings, you cannot be present; you receive the defendant's sentence via a letter from the prosecutor's office.

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Remand attorney

The boardroom gives up to 90 days of detention. Often this is for a shorter period at first.

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European Court of Human Rights attorney

The European Court reviews applications against Council of Europe member states and can impose fines.

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