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Current criminal case

Ex-police officer in Roermond accused of distributing nude photos of himself (

The public prosecutor (OM) suspects a 42-year-old former ICT employee of the Limburg police of "digital pencil peddling. That is how the police judge in Roermond, who considered his case on Friday, summarized the prosecution's accusation.

The suspect from Roermond allegedly sent nearly two hundred nude pictures of himself via WhatsApp and emails to his in-laws, colleagues and acquaintances. He also allegedly distributed eighty images via pamphlets in the Hoogvonderen neighborhood, where he lives. The man was fired for this. On Friday, the case, which began back in 2015, received a criminal follow-up.

False declaration
In court, he denied taking and distributing the nude photos. The ex-police officer already reported libel, slander and extortion in 2015. That eventually landed him on yet another charge: filing a false report.

As the investigation progressed, investigators began to suspect that the ICT colleague had photographed himself naked in the shower and on the bed and had also distributed the footage. This suspicion became even stronger when the man confessed that he had indeed taken nude photos on occasion.

But it would not be the images that were digitally circulated and circulated in the neighborhood. He suspects that his wife's ex-partner did so. The former ICT worker claims that it is technically possible to remotely hack someone's phone, then take pictures with it and bring them in on another device.

The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) has informed the prosecution that this scenario is highly unlikely. According to lawyer, regardless of the technical discussion, his client should be given the benefit of the doubt. "It is completely illogical that someone would do this to himself, his wife and his children," he said.

The police judge on Friday did not yet dare to tie the knot definitively. She wants, before ruling, that the suspect's scenario outline be tested again at the NFI.

The attorney assisting the defendant(s) in this criminal case is:

Maikel Horsch


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