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Current criminal case

Women played significant role in Albanian drug network' (

Two women played a significant role in the Albanian drug network that made millions in Limburg for years. The justice department claims that.

They are Margarita P. (25) and Hejjoub D. (37). Their role in the male-run network was first discussed in court on Tuesday.

Belgian papers
The former is the partner of Albanian suspect Romeo G. (31), who was in remand in the case for quite some time. Margarita was able to follow the case at liberty. According to prosecutors, she used two false Belgian identity cards, was involved in growing hemp in Geleen, Landgraaf, Maastricht and Sittard for years and used false papers to rent a house.

Active role
Margarita would thus not have been an innocent welfare recipient, but would have had an active role in setting up hemp farms. Her actions would have been aimed at staying under the radar in order to grow hemp in peace. Hejjoub's role was slightly different; she worked at the Geleen-based payment company Europrofex. That company is the linchpin in this case. Europrofex allegedly financed nearly ninety drug properties, keeping Albanian growers out of harm's way.

Criminal organization
Hejjoub is suspected of participating in a criminal organization, aiding and abetting crimes committed by her supervisor, making false payment receipts, accepting false identity cards, banking without a license and laundering €450,000. Despite all this, she did not spend as long in pre-trial detention as her male colleagues at Europrofex.

In total, the dossier has 33 suspects. The lion's share of that group is from Albania. As yet, it is not known when the case will be heard substantively.

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