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Current criminal case

Individual member motorcycle gang in crosshairs (Telegraph)

TILBURG, Thursday For the 'inside without knocking' division of the National Criminal Investigation Department, it is slowly becoming routine. Again yesterday, heavily armed police teams were on hand for a raid on a clubhouse of a notorious motorcycle gang. This time the base of the originally Moluccan motorcycle group Satudarah in Tilburg was honored with a lengthy visit.

As with previous raids on the Hells Angelá and the recent action against Satudarah members in Breda and Arnhem, the investigators left nothing to chance. Even the fire department, FIOD and the army were involved. Angels front man Unu said it all in a recent television broadcast of Reporter about the Hells Angels c,and Satudarah: is war with the police. In the broadcast, the Amsterdam president of the An-Wels swore that there is no question of a conflict or Power struggle with the Satuda- .rah. According to Unu, these are all fabrications of the police. Our real -- enemies are in the police, the Hells Angels president seemed to suggest.

The National Criminal Investigation Department now seems to be answering t's declaration of war. In a short time, proininent members of the Hells Angels and Satudarah were arrested in four separate police actions. After arrests of leaders in Amsterdam, in Arnhem and Breda, it was now ae turn to the Tilburg ehapter of the Satudarah. A new tactic was used. According to sources at the national public prosecutor's office, the police and justice department have abandoned attempts to put the controversial mofor clubs as a whole ais criminal organizations in the suspect bank. Because earlier attempts by the prosecution to designate the Hells Angels as a prohibited, police and justice are now focusing on individual members of the "outlaw" motorcycle gangs.

Investigative agencies have for some time been very concerned about tensions between some clubs and the criminal activities of certain members. In spite of a "charm offensive" by the Hells Angels and Satudarah last summer in Amsterdam, the national criminal investigation department still has strong indications of a power struggle between the two clubs. Also, thanks to recent investigations, the CID is critiquing an increasingly clear picture of the activities of the Satudarah, a club that has been growing like crazy for the past two years. Members of the Satudarah are said to exercise a veritable reign of terror in many cities, threatening and extorting hotel and restaurant owners. In Tilburg, Satudarah is involved in involuntary

voluntary enlistment in a sex club and serious beatings, prosecutors suspect. In a recent police report, a victim describes how he was recently summoned by several Satudarah members to the clubhouse on the Havendijk. "I saw four people there wearing Satudarah motorcycle clothing," the victim explains in his report, which is in the possession of this newspaper. "They were wearing black jackets with a picture of an Indian on the back. One of the men asked me to walk with them for a moment. One of them suddenly hit me in the head with his fist at least 10 times."

The victim is then completely beaten up. "I felt like I was in agony. With my last strength, I pushed myself onto my right arm. The moment I got halfway up, I already wanted to run away. I was really in agony then. At that moment I was wetting my pants. I really shit my pants with fear," the victim said in his police report. The man sustained permanent injuries from the beatings.

Justice also attributes a second serious beating of a random victim in café 'De Buurvrouw' to Satudarah members.

Five members of the Satudarah detachment in Tilburg, where heavily armed police officers raided the motorcycle clubhouse yesterday.

It seems to be a tactic of Satudarah to grow rapidly in many cities thanks to intimidation and threats. In this way, the club also wants to get its hands on the lucrative doorman services at popular pubs and nightclubs. It is a modus operandi that the qlellso Angels used successfully in the past. The National Criminal Investigation Department is now contrasting it with another tactic, namely
that of divide and conquer. The outcome of the battle is still uncertain.

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