1. best criminal lawyer for driver's license revocation after alcohol use
2. attorney criminal law for driver's license revocation after alcohol use
3. criminal case recovery driver's license after alcohol use lawyer
Can the police revoke your license if you drive under the influence of alcohol?
Your driver's license can only be revoked by the police under certain circumstances. This is the case, among other things, if you get behind the wheel with too much alcohol in your blood. For novice drivers, this must be more than 0.8 promille of alcohol. For experienced drivers, the limit is more than 1.3 promille alcohol. In addition, the police may revoke your driver's license if you refuse to cooperate with an alcohol test (breathalyzer or blood test). If your license has been revoked, you would be wise to take action as soon as possible to get your driver's license back.
What punishment can you face for driving under the influence of alcohol?
What punishment you can expect if you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol is difficult to answer in general terms. The penalty depends not only on the amount of alcohol in your blood, but also on which vehicle you were driving at the time. In addition, it looks at whether you have been previously convicted of driving under the influence. If you have consumed excessive alcohol in combination with drugs and/or medications, this also increases the penalty. If you want to know what punishment you can expect, we can inform you. Please feel free to contact us contact on.
Do you need an attorney if your driver's license has been revoked for excessive drinking while driving?
Often, the revocation of your driver's license has far-reaching consequences. Perhaps you, like many, depend on possessing a driver's license to perform your job. The (temporary) loss of your driving privileges may be grounds for an employer to fire you. We understand that much may be at stake for you. Your criminal lawyer can help your driving license back as soon as possible get. We assess whether in your criminal case All conditions are met to proceed with the recovery of your driver's license. Our specialists illuminate the circumstances of your case in a manner most likely to result in success. If you are curious about what we can do for you, please contact us without obligation.
Have you received a criminal summons or been invited to an OM hearing?
The District Attorney's Office may, in some cases, choose not to take your criminal case to a criminal court, but to handle the case itself. You will then receive a transaction proposal or criminal. You may also be invited to an OM hearing. In case the prosecutor handles your case himself, you run the risk of a criminal record (Judicial Documentation). In addition, during an OM hearing, the prosecutor may disqualify you from driving. You will then lose your driver's license for several months. Our specialists may be able to prevent these adverse consequences. Have you received a Penalty Order or been invited to a Prosecution hearing? It is advisable to contact us at the earliest possible stage.
Are you looking for a criminal lawyer specializing in Driving license recovery after alcohol use?
Then contact us immediately for legal assistance in Driving license recovery after alcohol use.
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