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A criminal law attorney for your Appeal RSJ?
In what cases can you appeal to the RSJ?
As a detainee, you can appeal certain decisions to the RSJ. This is an appeal committee from the Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles. For example, you have a complaint filed about a decision of the prison officer and you disagree with the decision of the grievance committee. You may also disagree with the selection officer's decision on your request for (over)placement or detention. An appeal to the RSJ is also available if you have objected to a decision of the selection officer, but you are not satisfied with the outcome of that objection procedure. An appeal to the RSJ is also possible if, among other things, you disagree with the decision about your case. leave or penalty suspension.
How can you appeal to the RSJ?
If you wish to appeal to the RSJ, you must prepare a notice of appeal. This notice of appeal must be filed no later than seven calendar days after you are notified of the decision. This means that you must act quickly. If your notice of appeal is filed late, you will almost always be declared inadmissible. In addition, the law requires that your appeal be "reasoned. This means that your appeal must be well-reasoned. Our lawyers are experienced in this area and know which legal arguments are likely to succeed. Feel free to contact on.
Why is it wise to hire a lawyer when appealing to the RSJ?
The decision of the RSJ is binding. You cannot challenge the outcome of these proceedings. If you wish to appeal to the RSJ, it is advisable to contact one of our criminal lawyers as soon as possible. We can advise you on the possibilities in your case. Moreover, we will help you file a legally substantiated notice of appeal within the seven-day appeal period. Through years of experience in these proceedings, we know how to significantly increase your chances of success in these proceedings. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
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Then contact us immediately for legal assistance in Appeals RSJ.