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Current criminal case

Eight arrests in drug investigation Satudarah (

TILBURG - At various locations around the country, the National Criminal Investigation Department arrested a total of eight men Wednesday, on suspicion of involvement in trafficking and production of synthetic drugs. Police deployed a total of 500 men and searched a series of homes, sheds, garage boxes, businesses and the Tilburg clubhouse of motorcycle club Satudarah.

In the process, 4 kilograms of amphetamine, a kilogram of hashish, a quantity of BMK (raw material for synthetic drugs) and a rocket launcher were seized. In addition, the police confiscated two motorcycles, several cars and several tens of thousands of euros in cash. The arrestees are also suspected of laundering criminal money.

One of the arrests was spectacular: an arrest team nabbed a 34-year-old man on the A2, near Vianen, assisted by a helicopter. The other Arrests took place in Breda, Tilburg, Dongen, Eindhoven and Weert.

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