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Current criminal case

Thousands of hemp plants in Klimmen

KLIMMEN/HEERLEN - In some sheds behind houses on the Haspengouw in Klimmen, police yesterday found 19,000 hemp plants, the vast majority of which still consisted of cuttings.
Police came upon the large plantation because of excessive power consumption at the property. It is not yet clear to whom the plantation belonged. Action was also taken against hemp growers in the Heerlen neighborhood of Heerlerbaan this week.

In a vacant store Wednesday, police found a rather large hemp plantation. The building was filled from bottom to top with small plantations. In total, police removed more than 1,500 hemp plants. The business was found to be full of plants from basement to attic. According to the police, the owner knew nothing about the alternative use of the store. Also in this case, the tenant was found to have illegally tapped electricity. He was arrested for violating the Opium Act.

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