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Current criminal case

Waste dump leads police to hemp farm

HOENSBROEK A plantation containing 550 harvest-ripe hemp plants was found in a residence on the Nieuwstraat in Hoensbroek. The police came on the trail after a passerby witnessed an illegal dumping of hemp waste and soil. This illegal dumping of about 25 garbage bags took place yesterday along the Koumenweg in Hoensbroek. The witness had noted the van's license plate number. Based on this, the police arrived at the Nieuwstraat. In a near building of one of the houses, a hemp plantation was found with 550 harvest-ripe hemp plants.

The electricity needed for this plantation was illegally tapped. The home itself contained a box of dried hemp. Police detained the 21-year-old occupant and her 50-year-old mother, also present, for further investigation.

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