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Suspect of murder in Bossche Huukske comes forward

DEN BOSCH - The suspect in the murder of 31-year-old Bosch resident Leon Marcé turned himself in to the police in Den Bosch last night. Marcé was shot dead last week in 't Bossche Huukske. The victim was buried yesterday at the Groenendaal cemetery in Den Bosch. The Brabants Dagblad reported on Monday that the suspected perpetrator of Marcé's murder was a 33-year-old man from Bosschenaar with whom the victim lived on very tense terms. Yesterday it turned out that this man from Bosschenaar was indeed the one who was involved.Last night the police reported the arrest of a 33-year-old man from Bosschenaar, but still would not say anything more about the circumstances of the murder than that a scuffle had taken place in the café during which the victim had been shot at several times.

The lawyer of the 33-year-old Bosschenaar, Mr. S. Weening, also did not want to say anything last night about what, according to his client, happened in the café. According to Weening, the Bosschenaar in any case denies that he was under the influence of cocaine on immediately started shooting. "My client reported to the police because he wants to get rid of these kinds of rumors," he said. Weening says he consulted with the justice department in Den Bosch about the exact time his client would turn himself in. "He knew the police were looking for him and wanted to say goodbye to his wife and children." The 33-year-old and Marcé had lived at odds with each other since the '99 Verspeek murder case. For the murder of Hans ("Puk") Verspreek, also committed in 't Bossche Huukske, Marcé was sentenced on appeal to four years in prison. The 33-year-old man from Bosschen was considered a co-defendant.

The court sentenced him to six years. On appeal, he was acquitted of involvement in the murder, but was convicted of stealing Verspeek's money.

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