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Prosecutor demands prison sentences for death after robbery

ROTTERDAM - On Wednesday, the Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) demanded eight years' imprisonment against Thugie A. in the Rotterdam District Court. Justice holds him responsible for a robbery in late December last year, after which the victim died. Against co-suspect Charissa R. the prosecution demanded 2.5 years of which half a year on probation.

According to the prosecutor, A. is a person who lives off others, mainly by stealing and using violence if necessary. During the fatal robbery in the Catharina Beersmansstraat in the port city, A. targeted a foreign man with a lot of money, according to the prosecution. He robs him with great violence. The victim dies and is found only a few days later. Investigations revealed that the man died from a combination of a weak heart, the use of narcotics and stress. And because that stress was caused by the robbery, the prosecution is also prosecuting A. for the man's death. R. was allegedly used by A. in part because she owned a car.

A. correctly says he was attacked. But he had no good explanation in court as to how he got his victim's suitcase, which contained valuable jewelry in addition to cash and cell phones.

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