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Current criminal case

Interview with Sjanneke de Crom

"There is a story behind everything, and things are not always as they seem."

Mr. Sjanneke de Crom, known among other things from major cases such as the criminal case against Donny M. and for many years the lawyer of Frenkie P., studied law at the University of Maastricht, part of her studies were done in London. She has been working at Weening Strafrechtadvocaten since 2013. As a criminal lawyer, Sjanneke de Crom specializes in Section 13b Opium Act objection proceedings and stands up for the interests and rights of life prisoners in the Netherlands. In 2017, she was elected the up-and-coming criminal law talent of Limburg by 'De Beste Advocaat van Nederland'. Actueel Nieuws asked her, among other things, about the reasons behind her choice of criminal law and her view on developments in the profession.

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