2. PI Vught known inmates
3. PI Vught visit
The Penitentiary Institution (PI) Vught consists of one site of about 30 hectares.
PI Vught is both a prison, House of Detention (HvB), Institution for Systemic Offenders (ISD), Extra Secure Institution (EBI), Terrorist Ward (TA), Management Problematic Detainees (BPG), Long-term Forensic Psychiatric Care (LFPZ), Highly Intensive Specialist Care (HISZ) and a Penitentiary Psychiatric Center (PPC). A total of nine different regimes are housed there.
Our advice / tip
Never make a statement to anyone from the police before you have consulted with an attorney: neither as a suspect nor as a witness. This applies even when the police officer is not sitting in front of a computer. The police may write down anything you say, even when you are not in an official interview situation.
Contact details PI Vught
Postal address
PI Vught
P.O. Box 10055
Tel: 08807 44 000
Visiting address
Lunetten Avenue 501
5263 NT Vught