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On Sunday evening, November 8, 2009, Antillean Jason B. (26) is sleeping in only his underpants on the sofa in the living room of his home on the Annie M.G. Schmidthof in Hoogezand. He lives here with his girlfriend Gea, but she is not at home. He fell asleep while watching TV.

At about two o'clock the doorbell rings. Jason opens the door slightly and sees an Antillean boy standing there whom he does know, Cliff, from the hamlet of Foxhol stuck up against Hoogezand. He hears him say something like, "I don't want a fight." But at the same moment, three or four other boys with balaclavas on storm in and attack him. He gets hit in the head; a scuffle ensues in the semi-dark hallway. Jason hears something fall to the ground, by touch he picks it up: it is a gun. With it he fires five or six bullets in the direction of his assailants. He hears someone yell "Ow!" and sees him fall backward. But the boy scrambles back up, along with the others he flees through the front door.

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