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Advocaat G. van Tilborg van de mannelijke verdachte gang L. 36, de vriend van de vrouw die medio januari zelfmoord pleegde, is er dan ook van overtuigd dat zijn cliënt geen aandeel heeft gehad in de doodslag. Die zou in de nacht van 28 en 29 september zijn gepleegd, na een ruzie over geld. Beide vrouwen werkten als prostituee.

According to his lawyer, the man, who must appear in court in Maastricht next Tuesday, now states that he did not arrive at the house in Nijswiller, where the women lived, until the morning of Sept. 29. At that time, Cha would have already died by strangulation. L. allegedly helped hide her body. That was found Monday, Oct. 18, in a travel trunk in a cornfield. Counsel S. Weening of the Chinese woman has "very strong doubts" about whether the farewell letter contains the truth. "From the first moment she has said that he was the perpetrator and she has maintained that to the last. Once she stated to the police that she had done it, but she retracted that statement again. It is clear that she wants to exonerate her friend and that is to her credit, but I am convinced that it is no longer what she wrote."

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