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Suspects deny stabbing at communion party (

DEN BOSCH - The father and son who were arrested after a stabbing at a communion party in Geldrop on Whit Monday deny that they injured partygoers. This emerged Tuesday during a pro forma hearing at the courthouse in Den Bosch.

Father and son V. from Heeze allegedly injured five people. 50-year-old Willem V. is charged with four counts of attempted murder. His son Frans (26) is charged with two counts of attempted murder and attempted aggravated assault. Although father Willem was at the party, he says he had nothing to do with the stabbing. "They screwed an ear on me," he stated.

The communion party was in honor of the daughter of Frans' girlfriend. What sparked the flame on the night of June 13-14 remained unclear Tuesday. Lodewijk Rinsma, Frans V.'s counselor, did paint a picture of the chaos in the small garden of the house on the Ter Borghstraat. It was dark, the beer had already flowed copiously and there were people lying on the ground. In such a situation it is difficult to see exactly what is happening, counsel justified his request to hear two victims as witnesses. For example, there is talk of the knife that Frans allegedly had in his hand, but according to Rinsma it was a screwdriver.

"That one my client needed to start his scooter." Judith Serrarens, who is defending father Willem, also wants to question 11 people who have made incriminating statements about her client. The court agreed to hear the witnesses. A request to release Frans V. was rejected by the judges. It is not yet known when the case will be heard substantively.

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